Christian Hahnloser

Experience Matters


Help customers gain higher maturity in digital marketing and help customers to leverage the whole Sitecore Experience Platform


  • Being up-to-date about the Sitecore Marketing features
  • Preparing, execution and documentation of customer Workshops
  • Consulting of the customer in all questions about Sitecore Marketing features
  • Defining customer use cases in consultation with @Application Architect
  • Consulting of the customer in non-Sitecore-specific marketing topics like SEO, E-Mail Marketing, Digital Analytics, Social Media, Onsite Search etc.
  • Understanding the customer's marketing / sales / communications strategy, target groups, strategic goals, marketing goals and conversion points
  • Showing gaps in the current strategies (company level as well as functional strategy level) and providing ideas to close these gaps


Transparent key figures of the circle


  • Preparing and reporting key figures
  • Reporting the sales funnel of the circle
  • Informing the Circle memebers


An updated frontdesk system


  • Maintaining Frontdesk Tickets for Experience Matters
  • Setting together a pitch team


Der Lead Link hat den Purpose des Gesamtkreises.


  • Strukturiert die Governance des Kreises, um seinen Purpose und seine Verantwortlichkeiten zu aktivieren
  • Teilt den Kreisrollen Partner zu; überwacht die Übereinstimmung; bietet Feedback zur Optimierung der Übereinstimmung; teilt ggf. weiteren Partnern Rollen neu zu, falls dies der Optimierung der Übereinstimmung dient
  • Teilt die Ressourcen des Kreises seinen verschiedenen Projekten und/oder Rollen zu
  • Bestimmt Prioritäten und Strategien für den Kreis
  • Definiert Kennzahlen für den Kreis
  • Beseitigt Beschränkungen vom Kreis zum Super-Kreis durch Aktivieren seines Purpose und seiner Verantwortlichkeiten


Rasche und fundierte freigegebene Angebote und Deals mit dem Kunden für die Leistungsbestandteile des jeweiligen Fach-Kreises


  • Freigeben der kommerziellen Konditionen
  • Freigeben der benötigten Kapazitäten


Coordinating the availability of backend resources for the benefit of all Sitecore projects and team members.


  • Administer the needed Partner Resources of the circle
  • Maintain the partner network to ensure the scalability of the needed partners
  • Takes care of capacity utilization issues through consultation with other circles/roles, as well as with external partners

Value Matters


Im Super-Kreis hat der Rep Link den Purpose des Unter-Kreises; im Sub-Kreis lautet der Purpose des Rep Link: Kanalisieren und Lösen von Spannungen hinsichtlich des Prozesses im Super-Kreis.


  • Beseitigt Beschränkungen in der erweiterten Organisation, die den Sub-Kreis begrenzen
  • Bemüht sich darum, Spannungen zu verstehen, die von den Sub-Kreismitgliedern ausgehen, und bestimmt diejenigen, die in den Super-Kreis weiterkommen
  • Bietet dem Super-Kreis Übersicht über den Zustand des Sub-Kreises, einschließlich Berichte über Kennzahlen oder Checklistenpunkte, die dem gesamten Sub-Kreis zugeordnet wurden


Enabling decision makers to leverage the digital customer experience


  • Accompanies decision makers to reflect the status quo of their digital initiatives with a holistic approach
  • Identifies strategic opportunities for creating value in the digital customer experience
  • Develops digital strategies, investment plans and roadmaps to successfully leverage the strategic opportunities.
  • Brings the stakeholders along the way
  • Shares experiences of applying value matters counseling methods with the PO Rethink Methodologies
  • Identifies sales opportunities

Zürich Airport


The PO's interface at Unic.


  • Preparing the Backlog Items to enable the team to an efficient Sprint Planning
  • Owning the Backlog
  • Supporting the FZAG-PO in scope management, Backlog refinement and prioritization
  • Communicating the product vision and goals to the team


Financial transparency regarding the circle's projects.


  • Gathering information from the circle's project leads about the project financials.
  • Reporting the financial situation of the circle's projects to the Supercircle and the circle.


THE advocate for the customer and their platform.


  • Evaluating and researching ways to solve the customer's problems and serve the customer's needs.
  • Guiding the customer to make the best possible decisions.
  • Discussing possible solutions with the customer and relevant project members.
  • Challenging ideas with related roles inside and outside the project team.
  • Enabling the team members to implement the right things and the Project Manager to set the right priorities.
  • Clarifying requirements for the development and testing team.
  • Writing and maintaining the specification for the solution.
  • Being up to date with the used technologies and tools.