
UX/UI Designer & Architect

What Do UX/UI Designers Do Exactly?

In the past, information architects did the work that now falls to user experience designers, user interface designers, or UX architects. People with these job titles work directly on the interface between human and machine. UX designers and the like use smart strategies, models, content design and design systems to make websites, mobile apps and other digital product elements more user-friendly. This means their focus is trained on usability and user-friendliness, essentially on how easy it is for people to use PCs, tablets, smartphones and other devices. More specifically, UX designers work on the interface between human and machine, the graphical user interface (GUI). The GUI allows users to interact with hardware and software (operating system, apps) through graphical elements (text modules, symbols, menu items, images). For clients, this means creating or developing digital touchpoints that provide users with a digital experience of the brand or product. Specialists also refer to this as user-centred design. Whenever users enjoy visiting an online shop or using an app, this is known more generally as “joy of use”, setting the product or service apart from the competition. This is one reason why product development is also part of the job.

  • UX architects/information architects

    primarily focus on structuring the content and improving the functionality of websites and associated applications. These are the specialists who ensure that smart navigation design intuitively guides users, enabling them to find their way around websites and applications easily. UX architects mainly concentrate on information architecture, page hierarchies, design, and categorising content, as well as navigation and data flows. They also keep an eye on the rankings in search engines, such as Google and Microsoft Bing.

  • User experience/user interface designers

    on the other hand, take the work done by the architects as a basis and expand on it systematically, bringing the content to life with visual systems and interaction models. They create a digital identity through design. They ensure that all branding is compellingly applied to digital products and services and adapted depending on the media format. Within the agile project team (UX design, frontend, engineering, software development), they are responsible for continuing to develop ideas around design and research. This is how we, at Unic, work with our clients to push for more user-centred development and optimisation.

A prototype for an online shop is created

UX Architects/Information Architects at Unic

At Unic, user experience architects work at the cutting edge of digital solutions. As a user experience architect, you are responsible for systematically gathering, analysing and interpreting data on user needs and behaviour. In doing so, you record your insights as user stories or classic requirements. You design the structural basis of digital solutions, devise navigation trees, develop intelligent interaction ideas, define interaction paths and anticipate any potential stumbling blocks. You are also responsible for building wireframe prototypes and developing content models. Guided by a focus on optimum usability, you work in an interdisciplinary team made up of a variety of experience experts, developers and frontend engineers.

UX Designers & User Interface Designers at Unic

As a UX/UI designer at Unic, you are an expert in the field of experience design. You provide support during the planning, conception, design and programming phases of developing user-friendly, high-performance products and services. You internalise existing design guidelines and transfer these to graphical user interfaces. While doing so, you work in an interdisciplinary team with architects, designers and frontend specialists. At the same time, you are involved in prototyping. You make use of a variety of tools to visualise, understand and test future system behaviour. Moreover, you understand which tools are needed for design thinking and human-centred design and have specialist knowledge of the entire analysis and design phase.


User Experience

Don’t leave your customers standing out in the rain. Offer them an impressive user experience which will convince them to try your offer.

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Responsive Web Design

With Responsive Web Design, we will provide you with future-oriented solutions that operate independently from the screen size.

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Requirements & Skills: UX/UI Design Team

To optimise the usability and user experience of online shops, websites, apps or applications, all while focusing on user needs, UX/UI designers and architects need to have in-depth knowledge of taxonomy and ontology as well as a basic understanding of technology. These skills can be acquired in study programmes or courses dedicated to UX design and human computer interaction design, but can also be self-taught.

In addition to having expert knowledge of methods and processes, information architects and designers should also be creative, able to empathise with people and understand the problems they might have when using applications. Information architects and designers should also be able to think analytically and holistically and work confidently with statistics and user data.

Human Centered Design is much more than just a process model, it is a fundamental attitude.

Lorenzo Mutti
User Experience Director

For years, we have held the top spot in the Best of Swiss Web (BOSW) ranking in the “Usability” category. Every year, our web projects show how important usability is to Unic. This is why we consider human-centred design to be much more than just a process model. UX designers at Unic come up with new designs that go far beyond the more classic service design or responsive design. As well as designing the interface, our designers also focus on handling the information processed and the relevant IT. At Unic, every project starts with your idea and ends with a solution that goes down a storm with our clients.

If this approach appeals to you and you would like to apply for a position as a UX/UI designer or UX architect at Unic, please browse our job ads or send us an email with your CV.

From our magazine

Mayumi SugayaJanuary 2020

Embracing Change With Human-centered Design

What does it take for Human-Centered Design (HCD) to work? That it does not just pay lip service? We have consistently carried out the optimization of post.ch in a user-centered manner. With prototypes and common principles.

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Mayumi Sugaya

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