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KPT – a plus for the “personal” approach



  • KPT_bosw-2019_Usability_Bronze
  • sitecore-experience-award-badge-2019
Customer since
September 2018


months from the very start to the Go-live


months of iterative development with front- and backend


nationalities in the project team


ton of sweets eaten as brainfood

To seamlessly accompany the customer on his journey

“We always want to give something more.” This credo also guides KPT in the digital world. The new website offers users personal and individual support during their information and decision-making journey. It provides customised advice in their individual situation. Always with added value for the customer in mind, “the most personal health insurance company in Switzerland” was created in the digital world.


Make informed decisions

The way from information and evaluation to taking out an insurance policy is rarely linear. The customer searches for information, weighs, calculates, reflects, adjusts his selection options. KPT has recognized this challenge and seamlessly accompanies the customer on his decision-making journey. For the first time in the health insurance industry, the insurance premium calculator has been fully integrated into the website. The tedious back and forth between product and price information is no longer necessary. The customer finds everything in one place.


Take out insurance as easily as possible

The user can obtain detailed information about the products online. The “Product Cards” provide the relevant information at a glance and in a user-oriented manner. Once the user enters his personal data needed for the premium calcuation, the individual premiums are displayed in all “Product Cards” on the website. This continuously boosts the user’s decision-making authority. With “That's what I want”, the customer can put the desired insurance in a shopping basket, just like in an online shop, and activate an offer or conclude an insurance policy contract.


Benefits in a nutshell

With the new website, KPT has succeeded in moving from a product-oriented approach to a user-oriented approach. The new brand identity is also reflected in the digital world. The modern and responsive design and the usability-oriented navigation are rounded off by content that emphasizes the benefits for the customer. In the magazine, KPT offers information and tips&tricks on all aspects of health and well-being. The visual content addresses the user personally. This gives the customer the feeling of personal relevance.

The conclusion of the insurance contract in view

KPT succeeds in making the customer’s decision-making journey simple, intuitive and yet informative. It creates clear, dedicated access to products and services. In this way, it provides positive impulses in the decision-making process and can use as a sales platform.


Ready for the future

From a technical perspective, the new platform is characterized by a high level of application complexity. This is reflected, among other things, in approximately 25 interfaces that ensure interaction with KPT’s core systems. With the flexible and scalable platform based on Sitecore 9, KPT secures all future options.

More about Sitecore

We always want to give something more. With the new user-friendly digital hub we create added value. We seamlessly support our customer on his decision-making journey.

Catherine Loeffel
Head of Market, KPT

Our services at KPT

User Experience

Don’t leave your customers standing out in the rain. Offer them an impressive user experience which will convince them to try your offer.

Learn more:User Experience

Responsive Web Design

With Responsive Web Design, we will provide you with future-oriented solutions that operate independently from the screen size.

Learn more: Responsive Web Design


A good user experience is our passion. We put the user with his needs in the centre of our Web projects. Our objective involves readily comprehensible and easily operated websites.

Learn more:Usability

Frontend Development

Our frontend engineers develop a accessible, performant and responsive frontend for your user interface.

Learn more:Frontend Development

Software Development and IT-Architecture

Software development has been one of Unic's core competencies for over 20 years. We develop a solution tailored to your needs for your company's digital presence. Please contact us!

Learn more:Software Development and IT-Architecture

Contact for your Digital Solution with Unic

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Are you keen too discuss your digital tasks with us? We would be happy to exchange ideas with you.

Jörg Nölke
Gerrit Taaks
Gerrit Taaks

Contact for your Digital Solution

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Are you keen to talk about your next project? We will be happy exchange ideas with you.

Melanie Klühe
Melanie Klühe
Stefanie Berger
Stefanie Berger
Philippe Surber
Philippe Surber
Stephan Handschin
Stephan Handschin