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A unique one-stop shop

Liechtensteinische Landesbank AG


  • bosw-2018-technology-silver
  • sitecore_experience-award-2018-winner
Liechtensteinische Landesbank AG
Customer since
July 2017
Website /


month project




parties involved


online banking customers migrated

Where tradition meets modernity

The traditional LLB Group reveals its modern side online. Designed as one-stop shops, the Liechtensteinische Landesbank and Bank Linth’s websites offer a smooth and consistent user experience. Customers can seamlessly switch between online banking functions and information services. A standardized login, needs-based navigation, segment-specific content and an innovative product configurator intuitively guide users to the information they need.


Personalized customer experience

Today’s bank customers are demanding, informed and appreciates autonomy. They are looking for a bank where they feel understood, in good hands and able to manage their banking efficiently. The LLB Group took these expectations on board: it uses individual homepages and needs-based navigation to create a simple but effective personalized experience. The websites are fully responsive and feature an impressive modern design.


The digital route to a bank account

Opening an account is traditionally a complicated and time-consuming process comprising several different components. With the principle of self-service in mind, the Liechtensteinische Landesbank and Bank Linth have digitally mapped the entire process: from information on suitable banking products to identification based on WebID and account balancing.

Seamless: e-banking is part of the website

E-banking is completely integrated into the website. All transaction and information content can be accessed using the same navigation structure. Customers can find everything in one place. Individual accounts and personal securities accounts can be accessed directly from the website navigation.


Dynamic, flexible architecture

The dynamic Sitecore architecture enables seamlessly merging of digital services. This is based on dynamic components rather than rigid templates and enables the online marketing team to independently manage and control content and user processes in the content management system – without the need for any additional IT development.

More about Sitecore

High security requirements

Due to the high security requirements in the banking sector, what appears “simple” to customers involves a lot of planning, time and consultation with auditors. Strict requirements had to be met when considering how to merge information and transactions as content pages are not subject to the same security requirements as e-banking. Sitecore acts as a secure framework providing a seamless customer experience and controlling access rights. This means that e-banking information can also be displayed using the site search, in addition to standard content.


Product configurator: customization of the banking relationship

Customers can customize their banking relationship and benefit from the services they really need. The Combi packages are topped off by individual service, full transparency and needs-based pricing.

Thanks to Unic's support, we can now offer our customers a seamless digital experience.

Tobias Schlömer
Head of Multi-Channel Management at the LLB Group

Our services at Liechtensteinische Landesbank

Frontend Development

Our frontend engineers develop a accessible, performant and responsive frontend for your user interface.

Learn more:Frontend Development

Software Development and IT-Architecture

Software development has been one of Unic's core competencies for over 20 years. We develop a solution tailored to your needs for your company's digital presence. Please contact us!

Learn more:Software Development and IT-Architecture

Contact for your Digital Solution

Book an appointment

Are you keen to talk about your next project? We will be happy exchange ideas with you.

Melanie Klühe
Melanie Klühe
Stefanie Berger
Stefanie Berger
Philippe Surber
Philippe Surber
Stephan Handschin
Stephan Handschin