Creative and Informal Annual Report

SVA Zürich

SVA Zürich
Customer since
March 2023
SVA Zurich
Initial situation

Informal, but Too Dry

Since their move to new offices in January 1999, SVA Zurich had been publishing their annual report as a compact, 40-page A4 brochure. Space was limited and it was used to report on business development in core segments. Before the redesign of the annual report, the content of the print version was simply copied to the website, using the tools available. This was certainly pragmatic and functional, but not exactly inviting. The new annual report was created with a stronger focus on visuals, with a new design and new formats.


Fresh, Informal and Creative

Based on the requirements of SVA Zurich, we developed a concept enabling employees to publish content on the website independently and in line with the CI. We also designed the required CMS elements based on the landing page, which harmonises perfectly with the existing website. 

Different Access Points – Comprehensive Navigation 

To meet the different needs when searching for information, we designed a comprehensive navigation that quickly takes you to the required content. The structure is based on common reporting standards. The navigation enables employees to refer to specific curated sections of individual pages in future. 

Direct Access to Information 

In addition to the logical, functional navigation via the comprehensive navigation, we also designed explorative access options via topical overview pages. These look a bit like news websites, are colourful, have clickable teaser elements on focus topics, bite-sized initial information or even animated key figures. These overview pages make abstract social security topics more visually accessible for laypeople.  

SVA Zurich can now create information pages that do not require any in-depth subpages. Add a link and this needs-based navigation provides more details with just a click. Of course, the annual report is still available as a PDF file for download. We have placed a download button at the bottom of the landing page.   

In a nutshell: The overview pages invite people to play with the visual elements, which are inroads to discovering more information. Detail pages, on the other hand, have a much cleaner design so that users will focus solely on the content.  


Creative Freedom

From now on, authors will have the freedom to create an attractive annual report that is as interesting for the general public as it is for professional users. This creative freedom includes the option to adapt the page to current situations. The elements work for different topics and only require small adaptations to work in a different topic section. 

SVA Zurich now provides the public and the regulatory body with a modern, state-of-the-art annual report in a digital format. If you require information on the Social Security Institution of the Canton of Zurich for the year 2022 and beyond, the SVA Zurich website is the right place for you.

Contact for your Digital Solution

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Are you keen to talk about your next project? We will be happy exchange ideas with you.

Melanie Klühe
Melanie Klühe
Stefanie Berger
Stefanie Berger
Philippe Surber
Philippe Surber
Stephan Handschin
Stephan Handschin