Digital Platforms: Design, Concept, Implementation

Gerrit Taaks

Gerrit TaaksNovember 2023

Make Your Website Fit for the Future

Users expect exceptional experiences across the full range of digital points of contact from your company. To present your brand, product and problem-solving expertise in the best possible light, smart management of texts, images and videos is indispensable. This requires perfect orchestration of digital services supporting the target groups on their customer journey. 

Our «Digital Platforms» whitepaper explains how to best reconcile all this.  

The Whitepaper Provides Insights if You 

  • are looking for information on state-of-the-art solutions  

  • would like to understand what the terms «composable» and «headless» mean  

  • would like to replace or expand an existing content management system platform  

  • are looking for a one-stop-shop agency  

  • or would like to compare the service portfolio offered by Unic with that of competitors.  

Composable DXP – for Maximum Agility and Scalability 

Das Whitepaper unterstützt Sie,

  • if your company is growing fast, adapts frequently or likes to experiment: A modular architecture offers maximum flexibility. You can add, remove or replace modules to integrate new functions or to adapt to changing business requirements.  

  • if you want to make content available across multiple channels (such as web, mobile, IoT devices etc.) A headless CMS enables you to manage your content no matter where it is used.  

  • if your company has technical expertise and prefers tailored solutions. With a modular architecture, you can create a platform tailored to your specific needs. You can select the best tools for every task and combine them as needed.  

  • if you need your platform to scale fast: Modular architecture enables you to use and adapt individual modules separately. This way, you can choose to upgrade only the modules that add the most value to your business. 

Download now: Whitepaper «Digital Platforms»

Only available in German

Contact for your Digital Solution

Are you keen to talk about your next project? We will be happy exchange ideas with you.

Melanie Klühe
Melanie Klühe
Philippe Surber
Philippe Surber

Contact for your Digital Solution with Unic

Are you keen too discuss your digital tasks with us? We would be happy to exchange ideas with you.

Jörg Nölke
Gerrit Taaks
Gerrit Taaks