Experiences Matter – We Win Two Sitecore Experience Awards

Nicole Buri1

Nicole BuriSeptember 2020

Our Unique Sitecore Experience Award History

Each year, Sitecore presents the Experience Award to brands and partners who create customer-centered digital experiences with their projects using Sitecore technologies. With these two new awards, we have a total of 15 Sitecore awards for our projects. This is an impressive testament to our extensive Sitecore expertise and our commitment to people-centric digital services. Many thanks to Sitecore for the enriching partnership over the last 10 years.

The image shows a timeline from 2012 to 2020, during which time Unic has won many Experience Awards. Individual customers such as Post CH, Jura and kpt: can be recognised. The awards all relate to Sitecore solutions.

The Award Recognizes the Innovative Spirit of MySwitzerland.com

With Switzerland Tourism we win the category "Best Innovations with Emerging Technologies" in the geographical area EMEA-Central. The jury was impressed by the way the website inspires users to visit Switzerland as a travel destination thanks to new technologies such as artificial intelligence and virtual reality.

As an early adopter, Switzerland Tourism deliberately focuses on innovations in order to provide guests with consistent and needs-oriented support in their travel planning. The project team was distinguished by a keen sense of innovation:

Innovations are not the product of quiet rooms but come about through internal interdisciplinary exchange and close collaboration with our agencies. Normally, in agile projects, it takes a great many iterations and prototypes before a function is mature. Of course, technology trends and technological developments also play a role. These need to be skillfully integrated at the right time.

Markus Dittli
Head of Digital Platform & Projectmanagement, Switzerland Tourism
Screenshot Mobile Phone and Computer with wwwmyswitzerland.com opened

Switzerland Tourism

In Love With Switzerland

In Love With Switzerland

Sitecore Recognizes Post.ch For the Fast and Easy Access to the Services

With Post.ch we win in the category "Most Intelligent Content Optimization". This category is for projects that are characterized by a highly user-centered content. Post.ch creates easier access to digital services and a higher level of awareness of its products. They have achieved this with a holistic approach. This has paid off:

Making big, brave changes usually requires people to part with fixed views. This is where human-centered design comes into play. UX experts are the users’ advocates. We build bridges for the end users by making their perspective, their preferences and their behavior visible through research.

Mayumi Sugaya
Senior User Experience Architect, Unic
Screenshot Tablet with www.post.ch opened

The Swiss Post

One Postal Service – One Experience

One Postal Service – One Experience

Courage and Commitment

These two projects are impressive examples of what happens when project teams join forces to develop and implement ideas in a brave and interdisciplinary manner.

Unic has always challenged us and encouraged us to take bold steps. What we designed as a team was not an evolution but something new entirely.

Roger Grüring
Head of Channels & User Experience, Swiss Post

We are grateful and congratulate the two project teams on these well-deserved awards.

Contact for your Digital Solution

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Are you keen to talk about your next project? We will be happy exchange ideas with you.

Melanie Klühe
Melanie Klühe
Stefanie Berger
Stefanie Berger
Philippe Surber
Philippe Surber
Stephan Handschin
Stephan Handschin

Contact for your Digital Solution with Unic

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Are you keen too discuss your digital tasks with us? We would be happy to exchange ideas with you.

Jörg Nölke
Gerrit Taaks
Gerrit Taaks