
Service Management – Adapting Our Operations to Suit Your Processes

Our IT service management (ITSM) for your solution

Our IT service management (ITSM) is based on standardised ITIL processes, which we adapt to the specific needs of your company and solution. We adjust our IT processes to the needs of our customers.

Our service managers are your go-to persons for any requests during day-to-day operations. In regular service meetings, we will discuss service quality, planned activities and the causes for incidents and problems and share any relevant information. Together, we will determine measures for quality improvement and optimisation. Personal communication is immensely important to us. Our team proactively will consult with your IT department. This is key to the performant and long-term operation of your solution.

Our Service Management Components

Our Service Desk – Your IT Support

Our Service Desk provides quick and hassle-free assistance with any questions, issues or requests regarding your web application.


Learn more about Service Desk

Our help desk provides quick and hassle-free assistance with all your support requests via the issue tracking system, phone or email.

Service Desk – Your Single Point of Contact for Professional Support

You can always contact our service desk, regardless of whether we run your web application. We will put together a service package that is tailored to your needs.

Lifecycle Management – Consulting

We will proactively consult with you regarding the components used for your online presence. Together, we will plan the next two to three years and create a road map. We will take the following aspects into account:

  • Your planning

  • Change management

  • Surrounding IT systems such as ERP systems

  • IT resources

  • New releases of the components used

ITIL Incident Management – Our Rapid Response

Incident management is all about restoring normal operations as quickly as possible in case of incidents such as faults or downtimes. This way, we minimise negative effects on business. The incident management process ensures that operation is restored for users as quickly as possible. Where necessary, we use a temporary workaround to achieve this.

Incident Management
Incident Management

Problem Management – Finding Long-Term Solutions

With our proactive problem management, we aim to find the root causes of recurring problems. This enables us to solve problems in the long term. To do this, we rely heavily on our collaboration with our customers. We conduct regular status meetings and share all findings and developments. We also provide our customers with information on next steps.

Your Advantages With Our Service Management

You take care of your business. We organise service management to ensure that your web application keeps running and running.

  • The service desk supports you with any urgent, short-term requests.

  • The service managers take care of any medium-term concerns in IT operations.

  • We practise efficient problem management to make sure you never have to deal with nagging issues.

  • As part of our lifecycle management, we plan and address the long-term operational needs together.

Any questions? I’d be happy to answer them.

Senior Sales Consultant Operations

    Stefanie Berger
    Stefanie Berger