Prototyping – more than just a design method

Katja DreherJanuary 2018

What is the difference between a prototype and prototyping?​


A prototype is a representative model. It simulates a final application. It makes it possible to experience a design solution before it is developed. There are functional and non-functional prototypes that are used depending on the project:

  • Paper prototype: We create it with paper and pencil.

  • Wireframe prototype: It is a kind of framework in grayscale. Without design yet, but with a higher level of detail. Functional elements and modules are illustrated in it.

  • Design prototype: It has a high level of detail. It brings the look and feel of the design to life.


Prototyping is a design method that uses similar types of prototypes. It makes visual ideas apparent in the shortest possible time and makes the interaction concept tangible. So it's not «just» about what the application could look like in the future, but how the user interacts with it. The prototype allows us to efficiently validate with users whether they can find their way around the developed user interface and where they have difficulties.

A prototype for an online shop is created
A prototype for an online shop is created

Prototypes for ideation, testing and feedback

Prototypes are suitable for conveying concept ideas, testing hypotheses efficiently and obtaining user feedback in real time.(1) We proceed iteratively. In other words, we approach a possible solution in a process that has gone through several times. In this way, we make concept ideas tangible. Depending on the goal and project progress, different prototype types can be used (see the different prototypes above).

Check the technical feasibility of the concept

Prototyping is more than just a design method: it is suitable for talking to internal decision-makers. The development team can also check whether the concept is technically feasible. The prototype is therefore in front of the actual programming work. Agile development processes can thus be supported efficiently.

The optimal user experience, and saving time and money

Our customers, including SBB AG and Post AG, appreciate our user-centered approach. Not only because we strive for the optimal user experience (UX), but because we help them to save valuable time, development costs and effort. See for yourself:

  • We are constantly developing the new website on the basis of prototypes. See SBB Reference.

  • We also work with prototyping for Swiss Post. See Post Reference.


(1) Warfel T. Z.: Prototyping: A Practicioner’s Guide, Rosenfeld Media, New York, 2009.

This is how we work: Our design methods

#usercentereddesign #unicuxwerkzeugkasten

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