
Touchpoint Integration



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  • Logo Annual Multimedia Award
Customer since
February 2017


recipes are already online


hours of work invested


people from Unic involved


months project duration

Adobe AEM: best practice technologies in action

The web platform has been created by Unic on the Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) solution. It is robust, scalable and seamlessly integrated with other Coop systems. An JSON interface enables the use of mobile apps. An automated deployment process reduces the effort connected with further development. This allows a fast market launch of new features. The platform’s individual components have been designed to be modular, so that they can be expanded and reused in other locations.

More about Adobe


High performance and scalability

The platform was built to achieve high performance and scalability. This is why we basically implemented it in a stateless mode. In this way, if necessary the platform can with little effort be scaled horizontally, for example to successfully manage high-load situations.


Social features and connection of mobile apps

The platform offers its users various interaction possibilities: likes, comments, sharing and more. We created this feature this using the «AEM Communities» product as well as our own implementation solution based on MongoDB. We also implemented a JSON interface to provide simplified access to CMS data. This facilitates the integration of external and mobile applications.


My Fooby – a personalised cook book is always at hand

Thanks to a central search function offered by, users can quickly and easily find the content they want: from recipes through shopping lists to cooking instructions. This has been made possible thanks to the integration of Coop Enterprise Search. An intelligent tag system serves as a source of inspiration. It suggests additional relevant content search to the user. Users can save all content they searched for as well as their own content in the My Fooby area.

Unified user experience – integration of various Coop services

We built in Coop's existing centralised authentication service through a consistent use of AEM standard technologies. User authentication happens in a unified manner. Unified user experience is always at the foreground. To enable the user to search through all recipes, Coops Enterprise Search Service has been integrated with this feature.

More about user experience


An agile, cross-functional and cross-company team and revamped software development processes

A cross-functional team composed of representatives of various companies was jointly responsible for the new platform. An agile approach and short release cycles ensure a fast market launch. And this without compromising on high quality of software. Thanks to «Continuous Integration», we are able to ensure that software changes are checked on a permanent basis and in an automatic manner. Since its deployment process is automated, the platform can be rolled out and developed further with minimum effort.

With their technical expertise and agile software development, Unic was the ideal implementation partner for the FOOBY recipe platform. Unic now also provides us with powerful support in the areas of conception, design and front-end.

Florian Fritz
Project Leader Advertising, FOOBY

Our services at Fooby

User Experience

Don’t leave your customers standing out in the rain. Offer them an impressive user experience which will convince them to try your offer.

Learn more:User Experience

Responsive Web Design

With Responsive Web Design, we will provide you with future-oriented solutions that operate independently from the screen size.

Learn more: Responsive Web Design

Frontend Development

Our frontend engineers develop a accessible, performant and responsive frontend for your user interface.

Learn more:Frontend Development

Software Development and IT-Architecture

Software development has been one of Unic's core competencies for over 20 years. We develop a solution tailored to your needs for your company's digital presence. Please contact us!

Learn more:Software Development and IT-Architecture

More on this topic

August 2019

Recipe for successful software development

How can Scrum values such as cross-functionality, self-organization or iteration improve not only software quality but also teamwork? In this article Oliver Burkhalter gives an insight into his experiences with Scrum & Co.

Recipe for successful software development

Oliver Burkhalter

Contact for your Digital Solution

Book an appointment

Are you keen to talk about your next project? We will be happy exchange ideas with you.

Melanie Klühe
Melanie Klühe
Stefanie Berger
Stefanie Berger
Philippe Surber
Philippe Surber
Stephan Handschin
Stephan Handschin

Contact for your Digital Solution with Unic

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Are you keen too discuss your digital tasks with us? We would be happy to exchange ideas with you.

Jörg Nölke
Gerrit Taaks
Gerrit Taaks