Unic project manager Melanie Klühe stands in front of her audience as a speaker. She is wearing a colourful dress and a purple cardigan.

Alumna Melanie – the Unic Ambassador

Melanie Klühe

Melanie KlüheMarch 2024

Reasons to return – can you tell us the main reasons that made you return to Unic?

My first stint at Unic lasted from 2003 to 2008. I started out as a project manager and later took on responsibilities in consulting and as a team lead. In my last position, I was part of the extended management team. And of course, I received job offers during that time. In 2008, one of those offers made me leave Unic to set up an online business for an international consulting firm in Switzerland. In 2010, I also started a long-term commitment with an SAP consulting firm. The insights I gained then from a customer and service-provider perspective are invaluable for my work today.

Discover other alumni stories and their motivations now!

The picture shows a metre-high teddy bear sitting on a black couch. To his right is a large potted plant. An office can be seen in the background.

Markus HenkelSeptember 2023

Kununu Matters, but Don’t Forget Your Company Alumni

Quitting your job, leaving your company are all part of business, but so is returning! We asked 4 alumni why they returned to Unic.

Kununu Matters, but Don’t Forget Your Company Alumni

But despite the experience I was gathering, I missed working across disciplines – bringing together skills from different areas, the continuous improvement of the skills of all project participants through continuing education and training and the implementation of challenging projects – that is just totally my thing.

I also felt that the rigid processes in the distinctively hierarchical organisations were standing in the way of swift changes.

Over the years, I stayed in touch with Switzerland and Unic. So, it was probably only a question of time before a new collaboration happened. Even though Holacracy had not been introduced when I started my second stint, you could already feel the urge to make changes in leadership and the organisational framework within Unic.

It does not matter what your role is with us, we are just happy to have you back!

Unic employees about Melanie

Did the technological diversity also play a role in your decision to return to Unic?

Actually, the technological diversity at Unic played a key role in my decision to return. Unic works with a vast range of companies from a variety of different industries. The technologies and solutions we develop for our customers are the result of this diversity – and the ability to tie it all in nicely is one of the strengths of Unic.

How did Holacracy affect your work? What changed?

Even in the past, Unic was very good at making quick decisions, especially when evaluating new solutions and services for our portfolio. The introduction of the holacratic methodoloy further increased our flexibility, be it in terms of customers, partnerships or technologies associated with them. The most recent milestone is the establishment of the innovation lab, an incubator for technological changes. The innovation lab is an easy-to-use space to test-drive new technologies or find new solutions, in particular in the field of artificial intelligence.

This opens up valuable new opportunities: Employees can go beyond the tasks in their employment contract to contribute to the growth of the company. For instance, a UX designer who is curious about AI can assume specific roles and initiate or participate in AI training.

Appreciation of employees is very important to Unic. How important is that to you?

At Unic, appreciation is a key element of the corporate culture, and I still felt that after my departure in 2008. We stayed in touch over the years and kept exchanging ideas, all in the spirit of mutual appreciation. It is an aspect that not many companies manage to keep up over such a long period of time. The exceptional culture at Unic, which to me is a result of various formats for exchange, types of meetings and forms of communication, is always based on appreciation.

Insights into Unic

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Balancing personal and professional life is demanding. Basil tells us his view and how he perceives Unic as an employer.

Spotlight on – New Technologies, Flexible Working Time and Saying No

Basil Bonzi

Nadia MeierJune 2023

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