The picture shows the two Unic employees and Holacracy specialists Sandro Dönni and Ivo Bättig. They are sitting on a couch, smiling at the camera. Behind them you can see a brightly coloured wall of triangles.

Much to Learn and Unlearn – From Our Holacracy Practice Part 1

Ivo BättigJanuary 2018

Things to learn and to unlearn

With the introduction of holacracy, there are several things to learn:

  • new processes

  • new roles

  • a constitution

  • best practices

  • self-organisation and much more

Not only, but also as a (former) manager, it is also about «unlearning» things. We must question habits that we have developed over the years and apply them in new and different ways. These may even be practices that have made me successful in a classical system (e.g. delegation, control, expansion of power, rope teams, oversteering).

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We Use Holacracy


To let go

As a (former) manager you have to learn to let things go. But that doesn't mean letting things just go. But one must ask oneself whether the proposal just discussed is safe enough and does not leave any permanent damage. After all, we want to use everyone's skills and try things out. Without this, there can be no rapid adaptability and hardly anything new. This means that the question always has to be asked: «Is it safe enough to try?»

A question of maturity

You don't do holacracy right or wrong. The ratification in the form of a transfer of power to the processes of the Constitution is very absolute, but everything else is a question of maturity, that is, how to live holacracy. Starting in a low maturity is quite ok – with the intention to constantly improve and develop a better practice.

Process and culture

When introducing holacracy one has respect for the complex and unfamiliar processes. But these can be handled very quickly. What is really difficult is the culture of self-organization. This needs to be developed, and this usually takes considerably longer than the process adaptation.

More Posts About this Serie

Ivo BättigMarch 2018

External communication and leadership – from the holacracy practice at Unic – part 2

Unic introduced holacracy – and now? In his second article on the holacracy practice at Unic, Ivo Bättig explores the following questions: How does communication with the outside world work, where the world is not organized according to holacracy? And: We have no more bosses, do we not need any leaders?

External Communication and Leadership – Holacracy Practice Part 2

Ivo Bättig

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