Search Engine Optimisation (SEO): How to Get Found

We serve customers with a regional focus as well as companies addressing a global market. We enjoy tackling the challenges of multilingual websites and e-commerce platforms. The close collaboration of our SEO consultants with developers is a key element of our work.

Search Engine Optimisation in a Nutshell

What are the search requests that your potential customers type into their search engine? What topics and keywords does your website rank for? And which pages generate effective traffic? These are some frequently asked questions in search engine optimisation. We perform an SEO check to identify strong points and flaws. Based on this analysis we then help you define targets to measure your SEO success.

Content is king. But even a king cannot succeed on his own. Search engine optimisation (SEO) is a vast field with countless big and small levers. The digital marketing team are usually the puppet masters of all activities, but they rely on various other disciplines for long-term success: communications, marketing, UX architecture, design, content, publishing and development.

Making an Impact With the Right Methods

We optimise your website together with your in-house experts. Key parts of this journey may include an audit, keyword search, content briefings or an analysis of the core web vitals. We diligently select the right methods for maximum impact:

  • Unique and high-quality content

  • UX writing with an SEO focus

  • SEO-friendly product names

  • SEO-friendly page templates

  • Short click paths in navigation

  • Working links and website hygiene

  • Compact code and performant IT infrastructure

  • Established authority of domain and authors

  • Off-page factors such as social signals and backlinks

The search engine strives to provide relevant results which have shown to provide a good user experience. A transparent SEO strategy provides a framework for the targeted prioritisation and orchestration of activities across all disciplines.

How Do I Profit From Search Engine Optimisation?

As you are reading these lines, people in your target markets are looking for information, consultation and products. If your website ranks well for the relevant search requests, you will generate organic traffic. If you don’t make it into the ranking, you leave the field clear for your direct competitors or other actors in the industry.

Visibility and Traffic Monitoring

SEO is a key discipline in online marketing. That is why we have a monitoring system for your visibility and traffic in place. It will alert you to any major changes. Sometimes the market split between you and the other companies may have shifted, but sometimes these changes are simply homemade. It may be a case of internal cannibalisation, where a press release or magazine article temporarily displaces the conversion-optimised product page.

We Consult You Situationally and Individually

SEO is not a one-time hygiene task but a vast discipline that affects many related roles and teams. We offer SEO consulting tailored to your situation and needs:

  • Analysis and SEO strategy

  • Monitoring and reporting

  • Content optimisation

  • Technical optimisation as part of releases

  • Ad hoc support

  • Coaching, in-house knowledge building and systematic training sessions

  • SEO consulting for your website relaunch

Search engine optimisation includes all activities that make your website rank higher in the search results. The goal is to attract more visitors to the website via organic search. A top ranking will only last if users are happy with the result and interact positively.

Andrea Malele
Senior Consultant, Unic

​Outstanding SEO Consulting

Search engine optimisation is a dynamic discipline. Google is the current market leader but their competitors continue to adapt and improve their search algorithms at a rapid pace. To keep providing state-of-the-art SEO consulting, we stay on top of things via social media, blog posts and podcasts on the latest developments. From these sources, we gather the relevant information for continual optimisation and make sure that available resources are used effectively.

We Work Closely With the Development Teams

Traditional marketing and SEO agencies tend to have an outside view of any given website and hand over a list of measures for implementation to their clients. Our full-service project approach has, however, provided us with the insight that the best approaches result from direct collaboration between SEO consultants and the agile development team. This proximity also facilitates the Pareto principle. We strive to create clarity for the search engine with minimal development work and stay as close as possible to the CMS standards with any change requests. In terms of technical SEO, there are many roads to happiness as long as you keep a keen eye on dependencies. Our SEO team has proven experience with Sitecore, Drupal, Contentful, Adobe Experience Manager, Typo3 and other CMS systems.

As SEO specialists, we are familiar with Searchmetrics, Sistrix, Xovi, Semrush, Ahrefs and other tools. In addition to visibility reports, we also use other data sources to gain a comprehensive understanding of your data. These include Google Search Console, Bing Webmaster Tools and the data from your Google Analytics

Learn more about optimised content

Matthias SchmidAugust 2019

Data-based Revision of Your Content

We show you how to better structure your content production and therefore, how to improve your web presence in search engines. A four-step tutorial.

Data-based Revision of Your Content
Matthias Schmid

Matthias Schmid

Matthias SchmidAugust 2021

How to Generate More Traffic With Pillar Pages – an Example

The amount of content on corporate websites is continuously growing. The market is changing, companies are launching innovations, and high-quality content is always welcome. But what are users looking for and what kind of pages can help them find it? We take a closer look at a project we conducted with a client to show how we were able to increase traffic.

How to Generate More Traffic With Pillar Pages – an Example
Matthias Schmid

Matthias Schmid

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Melanie Klühe
Melanie Klühe
Stefanie Berger
Stefanie Berger
Philippe Surber
Philippe Surber
Stephan Handschin
Stephan Handschin

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Are you keen too discuss your digital tasks with us? We would be happy to exchange ideas with you.

Jörg Nölke
Gerrit Taaks
Gerrit Taaks