
Strategy and Consulting

Our consulting team will work with you to find the right functional strategy to make your digital transformation, digital marketing or e-commerce initiatives successful.

Reaching the Goal Step by Step and in a Structured Manner

Unic’s digital transformation grid forms the basis for a structured approach. First of all, we need to clarify the focus and the scope of your project. No matter if it is about a fundamental transformation or fine-tuning of an existing solution, the following three questions need to be answered every time:

  1. Where do you stand?

  2. Where do you want to go?

  3. What needs to be done?

As a result of a consulting assignment, you will receive concrete recommendations which you can quickly put into action. In this way, together with you we will create tangible results and form the basis for medium- and long-term consolidation of the initiatives in your organisation.

Make Digital Transformation Tangible

  • Define goals – Find out with us where your digital future should take you.

  • Use a proven methodology – Thanks to its proven methodologies, appropriate tools and professional moderation, Unic’s digital transformation grid delivers tangible results.

  • Gain clarity through an outsider’s view – Our independent perspective, broad experience from projects in different industries, and knowledge of trends in digital transformation will help you make the right decisions.

  • Unlock potentials – Together with you, we will identify your digital transformation potentials and derive the appropriate measures to start a successful implementation.

Pragmatic and to the Point

We do not want to develop any strategy papers that will disappear in a desk drawer – We are the movers and shakers, we define concrete measures, which can be implemented quickly and deliver rapid results.

We offer:

  • Concrete guidance – By asking the right questions, applying our experience and methodology, we will work with you to develop solutions that are close to the industry and your business, as well as based on your existing know-how.

  • Structured approach – We work our way along Unic’s digital transformation grid and always keep the goal in mind.

  • Personal consulting – Our consultants convince through their healthy pragmatism and independent perspective.

  • Know-how – Our team has outstanding expertise at the intersection between business case, technology and user experience.

  • Foresight – We provide answers to questions about trends and developments in digital transformation, digital marketing and e-commerce.

  • Success control – We provide measurable results and respective indications for the measurement of target achievement.

Our Experts Tell More in the Magazine

Carmen CandinasDecember 2022

Content Sprints: Focused Optimisation of Websites

How to use Scrum in your content team: Content sprints are a valuable method for optimizing web content in a targeted manner.

Learn more

Carmen Candinas

Matthias SchmidAugust 2021

How to Generate More Traffic With Pillar Pages – an Example

The amount of content on corporate websites is continuously growing. The market is changing, companies are launching innovations, and high-quality content is always welcome. But what are users looking for and what kind of pages can help them find it? We take a closer look at a project we conducted with a client to show how we were able to increase traffic.

How to Generate More Traffic With Pillar Pages – an Example
Matthias Schmid

Matthias Schmid

Contact for your Digital Solution

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Are you keen to talk about your next project? We will be happy exchange ideas with you.

Melanie Klühe
Melanie Klühe
Stefanie Berger
Stefanie Berger
Philippe Surber
Philippe Surber
Stephan Handschin
Stephan Handschin

Contact for your Digital Solution with Unic

Book an appointment

Are you keen too discuss your digital tasks with us? We would be happy to exchange ideas with you.

Jörg Nölke
Gerrit Taaks
Gerrit Taaks